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Fissure Sealants in Dianella

showing teeth to dentistChildren with deep grooves in their teeth that they can’t easily access or clean may benefit from fissure sealants. This preventative strategy protects teeth from decay and makes them easier for children to clean, so they end up with fewer cavities.

This non-invasive treatment doesn’t require anaesthetic or drilling, and it doesn’t hurt at all. The procedure is quick and can be done in one visit.

Personalised Care for Your Child’s Needs

Not everyone requires fissure sealants. When a child’s first molar arrives around age five, our team of experienced dentists will check your child’s teeth to determine whether this treatment is appropriate.

Many children who need fissure sealants already have extensive decay, poor oral hygiene, or an unhealthy diet. During your appointment, we’ll coach you on how to improve your child’s oral hygiene to ensure healthier teeth for life.

family time at the beach

Whole-Family Education

At Grand Promenade Dental Centre, we recommend bringing your children to the dentist when they’re two. Even if they’re not ready for a full cleaning, we may have them sit in a parent’s lap for an examination. Simply watching a parent’s checkup can help small children get used to the office and work their way up to feeling comfortable in the chair.

It’s good to get in the habit of brushing your child’s teeth as soon as the first teeth start to appear. Our dentists can show you how to clean a baby’s teeth using an infant’s toothbrush or a soft, wet cloth. Parents can clean the baby’s teeth until a child develops enough manual dexterity to take over, usually around 18 months. Even then, you should supervise toothbrushing to make sure children do a thorough job.

Preventative Care for Kids

Regular checkups are essential for your child’s oral health. In addition to catching cavities and other issues, we’ll also assess your child’s bite to determine whether braces may be necessary and make a referral. Seeing an orthodontist early prevents further dental issues later in life.

We gladly accept the Child Dental Benefits Schedule.

Schedule an Appointment

Contact us today to book an appointment for your child.
Contact Us

Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.


Fissure Sealants Dianella, Morley, Yokine, Bedford and Inglewood WA | (08) 9272 1700